It’s a smart decision to use tried-and-true strategies when picking and looking to work with a recruiter. Doing this can greatly improve the chances of landing your dream job sooner rather than later.

These strategies assist recruiters in getting a better understanding of you so that they can match you to the most appropriate opportunities.

When it comes to finding a new job, working with a knowledgeable recruiter can make all the difference in the world!

Afterall the aim of a recruiter is to assist you in opening doors to your desired employer, providing feedback on your marketing materials, and guiding you through interviews for a specific client – all of which can be highly beneficial during your job search.

It’s possible for you to seek out a recruiter on your own, or for a recruiter to seek you out if you appear to be a good match for one of their job positions.

In any case, no matter how you wind up collaborating with a recruiter, the following guidelines are meant to assist you in developing a healthy working relationship and getting the most out of your collaboration.

Tip 1: Prepare for your Initial Recruitment Meeting.

It is vital that you prepare for your first meeting with a new recruiter in the same way as you would do for a job interview. Investing time into preparation will guarantee that your recruiter has all of the information they require to assist you with your job search. The areas you should look at planning for include:

Updating your CV:

A completely up-to-date CV is an important tool in assisting recruiters in matching you with the appropriate employment opportunities.

Make certain that your resume contains information about your relevant and current employment, educational experience, and information about any recent courses or volunteer activity you have undertaken.

Before sending your resume to recruiters, double-check that the contact information for your references is up to date as well as your own.

Preparing Responses for the standard Frequently Asked Questions:

Answering questions with confidence and accuracy will be made easier when you have done some preparation. In most cases, when meeting with a new client, recruiters commonly will inquire about your professional objectives.

The reason they do this is to help recruiters better understand what you want to achieve and how they may assist you in achieving that goal.

If you are unsure about your objectives, think about the type of job you would like to have and how it would be structured.

Consider your preferred industry and location, the jobs you wish to execute, and the corporate culture that would be the most suitable for you before making a decision.

In order to help recruiters, match you with suitable openings, you should describe what your ideal job looks like.

Consider Salary Expectations:

Make an online search to find out what the typical salary is for the jobs you are interested in, websites like can be especially useful in doing this.

When determining your own salary estimates, take into account your previous work experience and academic background.

Be forthright in stating how much money you require or desire. This information will be used to assist recruiters in negotiating a fair salary for you on your behalf.

Working with recruiter

Tip 2: Understand that Recruiters Work with You and Not for You.

When working with recruiters, this is a big one!

The clients of recruiters are the employing businesses, not the jobseekers. A recruiter will be delighted to work with you, but only if you meet the specifications required to fill a position for an employer.

At the end of the day, the business that is hiring will pay the recruiter’s bill. So, remember that every interaction with the recruiter is part of the interview process.

Remember…when it comes to being professional, don’t let your guard down!

Tip 3: Consider Recruitment Agencies who Specialize in your Field.

Not every recruiter fills every type of job. Most recruiters specialize in specific industries and job functions. For this reason, you will likely have the most productive relationships with recruiters specializing in your field or job function.

You will even want to develop relationships with different recruiters based on geography, as certain recruiters will fill jobs in one city while others will focus on other areas.

At LTEK Recruitment we specialise in engineering positions throughout the UK – however, this doesn’t mean that we don’t cover other areas. Why not check out our Speciality Sectors Page to find out more.

Working with a Recruiter: Recruitment Agencies who Specialize in your Field

Tip 4: Determine your Compatibility through Questions.

Asking recruiters questions to determine if they are the most qualified persons to assist you in your job hunt is similar to asking an employer a series of questions to determine whether you are the most qualified candidate for a position.

Inquire with a new recruiter about their previous expertise in your field and how they assist prospects in finding employment.

Examine their responses and their readiness to listen in order to assess whether or not you will have a productive working relationship with them.

Tip 5: Communicate Honestly and Openly.

When you come across a potential hire who has an amazing education, significant experience in their field and knows the industry inside and out, you may be tempted to hire them on the spot. Before doing this, it is highly recommended that you look at whether they match your cultural fit.

Over 80% of companies say that measuring cultural fit is especially important and that it is an important factor when evaluating candidates.

If you are not looking towards how a potential employee may fit, or not fit, into your current workplace then you could very well be on the way to making a poor hiring decision.

One way to address potential fit is to talk to candidates about your particular culture, is to talk and gauge potential candidates about your culture, the way you work, the company’s morals and how it is structured. If a new hire isn’t interested in the type of business, you run then it will show in their performance and may also indicate a reluctance to work towards the company goals.

Tip 6: Highlight any Areas of Interest in your CV which you think may be Problematic.

A CV is an overview of your educational background and job experience. Communicating freely with recruiters helps to fill in any knowledge gaps, allowing them to represent you in the best possible light.

It will be easier for recruiters to explain to hiring managers why you have a one-year gap in your job history if they know that you have travelled during that time.

Working with a Recruiter: Identify Problems

Tip 7: If you have Any Strict Job Requirements, be Upfront about them.

A number of job applicants have certain employment criteria, such as the need to work exclusively during the weekdays or the need to work in a specific location.

Making a note of them can assist your recruiters in identifying positions that best fit your requirements.

Tip 8: Clarify if you are Collaborating with Other Recruitment Agencies on this Project.

Communicate openly with other recruiters about the positions you have applied for so that everyone can make the most efficient and productive use of their time.

The fact that job seekers use a variety of professional contacts in their quest is recognised by recruiters, who appreciate your openness and honesty.

Tip 9: Maintain a Respectful and Courteous Demeanour.

When communicating with recruiters, maintain a professional demeanour and courteous demeanour. Your recruiters will be more confident in suggesting you for positions since they will presume you will extend the same courtesy to any business.

They will also have a more favourable attitude toward you and will put in greater effort to assist you in finding a decent job.

At all times, maintain a calm, courteous, and professional demeanour.

Your regard for your recruiters’ time and other responsibilities is demonstrated by keeping correspondence brief and communicating only when essential in your communications.

Tip 10: Make use of your Chosen Methods of Communication and Practices.

Communicating with recruiters in their preferred manner and following their procedures boosts your chances of receiving favourable and fast feedback.

Make use of your favourite channels of communication.

For example, some recruiters like to communicate mostly via email, whilst others prefer telephone correspondence, among other things.

If you are unclear, ask recruiters how they would prefer to be contacted and how frequently they would like to be contacted.

Documents should be sent in the manner specified by each recruiter.

It is possible that recruiters will request that you upload your resume to their website, attach it to an email, or send it by mail, among other things. It is important to follow these recommendations to guarantee that these documents are not forgotten.

After an interview, it is important to stay in touch with recruiters.

Throughout the job search process, your recruiters will be your primary point of contact. It is proper etiquette to adhere to this widely acknowledged communication norm.

Working with a Recruiter: Communication Practices

Tip 11: Attend all of your Scheduled Appointments.

Attending all of the appointments that your recruiter organises demonstrates that you are dependable.

Recruitment agencies can feel more secure in suggesting you if they are aware of your dependability. Attend any interviews or appointments that your recruiter arranges for you, and make sure to follow up with them.

Make a point of arriving on time every time, as timeliness is another desirable characteristic in a worker’s performance.

If you are unable to attend for any reason, such as a significant sickness or injury, please call beforehand to make arrangements to reschedule.

Tip 12: Respond to Messages As Soon As Possible.

Responding to recruiters’ messages as soon as possible demonstrates your respect for them and your interest in their positions.

A prompt response can also assist you in taking advantage of any time-sensitive possibilities, such as same-day interviews, that may arise.

To ensure that you do not miss a call, make sure that your telephone is set to maximum volume whenever possible.

Check your inbox, instant messages, and voicemail for correspondence on a frequent basis, as well.

Tip 13: Maintain a Frequent Dialogue with Recruiters.

Responding to recruiters’ messages as soon as possible demonstrates your respect for them and your interest in their positions.

A prompt response can also assist you in taking advantage of any time-sensitive possibilities, such as same-day interviews, that may arise.

To ensure that you do not miss a call, make sure that your telephone is set to maximum volume whenever possible.

Check your inbox, instant messages, and voicemail for correspondence on a frequent basis, as well.

Tip 14: Thank the recruiters for their assistance.

Once you have obtained employment, you will no longer require the services of recruiters. Take the time to express your gratitude to them, regardless of whether they assisted you in obtaining an employment.

You might also consider leaving a favourable review for them on the internet. Your appreciation will leave a lasting positive impression on recruiters, which will encourage them to work with you in the future if you require their services.

They may even approach you with enticing employment offers in the future in order to assist you in your professional development.

Job Hunting?

If you are currently in the process of looking for a new job, then look no further than LTek Recruitment. We put an emphasis on finding the right job for the right person to bring about the best possible outcome for both parties.

Looking To Hire?

Hiring suitable talented individuals for your business can be the difference between success and failure. We endeavour to find the top talent available who share your values, work hard and will fit in with your culture.